I started learning to crochet (this was my SECOND project ever).
I researched ideas for what my next tattoo might be. Never got this one.
Roger and I started hardscaping our entry way. That Texas stone has never looked good in the way we envisioned it. My nephew Liam was born this same day, and 3 days later Roger died.
Shanna sent me this picture of Liam in the hat I made him (my first crochet project) the day we made the funeral arrangements. He was 5 days old.
Not knowing what to do with all of Roger's white t-shirts, I found this awesome way to up-cycle them into t-shirt yarn.
I found that keeping myself busy with projects, like this scarf, kept me sane.
I visited the Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art on Spring Break.
I learned how to turn that t-shirt yarn into a necklace.
My car was "dolphined" by a couple of ninja pranksters.
I researched more tattoo ideas...
...and decided on a more "calming" and "centered" design.
We recorded for the Seattle Convention, were selected, and started thinking of t-shirt designs.
I did my first Painting with a Twist piece and was instantly hooked.
The golf balls... If you know, this needs no explanation...
I learned to make light catchers with mirrors and beads.

And I crocheted some more.
I found a raincoat for the upcoming Seattle and Ireland trips.
We made it to Dublin, Ireland to spread the ashes.
I found out I secretly brewed my own beer...
...and visited dilapidated castles in Northern Ireland.
The view from one of our B&Bs...
...and we visited Gallaghers Boxty House, not the Alamo.
I came back to Texas and completed my second PwaT painting.
On a painting high, I painted the bathroom... and then repainted it because I hated it.
I learned to do some canvas paintings of my own with frog tape and the wall paint that sucked.
No idea why Scarlet was sitting with me on the bathroom floor.
I crocheted some more, sometimes with the assistance of the doglets.
I worked in the yard.
I went with friends to see Paul Simon.
I did my third painting.
We gave our Send Off Concert, and I actually wore a dress...
... and then we finally made it to Seattle with the band!
We accidentally left the travel agent at our hotel so we had to find another one.
As a "treat" for the band kids, I straightened my hair. It never fails to be more disruptive than it is worth.
I decided that I would decorate for Christmas this year (since we didn't last year),
and found these lights at Ikea.
I made the girls some bling to wear on Christmas and then forgot about it.
My sister and I made Christmas cookies.
Then we went ice skating at the Galleria in Dallas. No one fell. But if someone had fallen, it totally would have been her. :)
Scarlet wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Santa brought me super nerdy insult cards.
And Liam pretended to be a seal with my gloves on his feet.
As much as I thought 2010 sucked, 2011 managed to start absolutely horrifically and end surprisingly okay. Here's hoping next year's pictures tell a story of hope, completed projects, and a bright future.