I get disproportionately excited each year to compile my Year in Cell Phone Pictures post, and this year is no different. :)
2014 was the year of home transformations. By January 2nd I had
new countertops, replacing the godforsaken mauve ones...
A few days later my new dishwasher was installed. The old one sprung a leak
and ran under the crappy old linoleum, which meant NEW FLOORS, TOO! :)
In the meantime, John and I made homemade jerky with
my new dehydrator, among a plethora of dried fruits.
Ever the cheapskate, we learned how to move
a gas stove ourselves in preparation for the tile floor install.
John helped me install a new light fixture over the kitchen table.
Deciding it was so passé, I purged the kitchen of the old green walls. The result...
... the kitchen before and after. :)
Scarlet found a "lap" wherever she could find one.
I made more pie, this time with little doxie cutouts (a little hard to see).
Aside from home renovations, 2014 was the year of getting serious about being healthier.
I carefully chose healthy, balanced lunches... with coke.
I received maybe the best Valentine ever.
Goose found a comfortable spot...
...and I found an uncomfortable spot. (2014 also saw the sad end of my arm
balances as I gave myself a pretty rough case of wrist & forearm tendonitis.)
I came home one day to find a beautiful new mixer. <3
John and I learned to make breakfast quiche... yum yum.
One of my more wonderful purchases of the year was P90X3.
I kept doing my yoga so that I could neat tricks like this. :)
Spring sprung!
We saw Pet Shop Boys at ACL Live.
And I verbalized what every sane adult wanted to say all year.
John waited for more goodies.
I started another backyard project... and should probably finish it sometime in 2015.
That's a muscle!!! :)
Tiny berry pies are proven healthier than big berry pies.
I became a modern artist thanks to Wenger.
And, I finally made it into the splits. Scarlet approved.
We helped celebrate Noah's 2nd birthday
and then celebrated the Spurs big win (with my white-trashified cut down of an XL tshirt).
I decided the kitchen could use a little more work.
8 hours later there were stripes!
We did all sorts of thing this past summer. I caught a coelacanth.
We played golf at Butler Pitch & Putt.
We broke the main waterline into my house but then learned how to fix it.
Lucy Goose was partially eaten by a dog but came out of it
in one piece and just as annoying as ever. :) (That's a bone in her mouth, FYI.)
We met my family up in the Great White North - Victoria Island.
We had a cold one at a British pub (British Columbia that is).
I spent weeks researching the touring company offering both the ugliest and most enormous cold weather gear ever. After hours of putting on more clothes, we went whale watching!
ACTUAL Free Willies :)
We explored Beacon Hill Park...
...and found ourselves looking back at the United States
from the Southern most point of Victoria Island.
We hiked until we found waterfalls...
...and abandoned railroad tracks...
and swimming holes.
Tea at the Empress was quite charming (and crazy expensive).
We returned home to Austin in time to catch Counting Crows at ACL Live.
Some old bling came back. :)
I bought two Persian rugs.
My horrible carpet in the living room was pulled up,
and matching tile created a better flow from space to space.
Then I instantly covered the tile with the rugs. :)
Ashton made his debut, and I made him his nifty owl hat.
I broke my toe.
my new industrial minimalist desk (code for made of pipe)
Our "official chicken" dressed up for Halloween.
After some crazy Pinterest inspiration, I spent about 8 hours painting a herringbone/chevron
pattern in the guest room just in time for my family to arrive for Thanksgiving!
We had a swell Potter family Thanksgiving/Christmas
with my sister's family in town from California.
My new Black Friday curtains came in. Can you tell I like brown?
John and I went to a family friend's wedding with the whole Mr. John clan.
We may have missed the Trail of Lights, but we did
go check out the Capital after some Home Slice.
I had only ever been to the State Capital once before at Girls State.
The next day I went home for Christmas.
Goose showed me that Santa came!
There must be food over there.
We ended the Christmas celebration with John's
family at "the Ranch" the day after Christmas.